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LiebherrAerospace and transportation systems
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Liebherr supplies beside the slat actuation system the integrated nose landing gear for all Airbus A350 versions, which features lightweight, high-reliability components.

Products on board

  • Flap active differential gearbox
  • Load sensing drive strut
  • Lower deck cargo door actuator
  • Moving damper
  • Nose landing gear
  • Slat actuation

Special features

Liebherr certified and delivered a printed proximity sensor bracket for the A350 nose landing gear. This bracket was the first-ever introduced Airbus system part to be qualified for titanium additive layer manufacturing. Recently, Airbus has also selected Liebherr to supply the lower cargo door actuator and valve for the A350, using 3D printing technology.

Other case studies - Commercial aircraft


Liebherr’s optimizations in terms of operational performance, maintainability and reduced cost of operation are incorporated in its two major integrated systems on both Airbus A220 versions.


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