Magazine | 2019-07-03

Electric aviation launches

Better energy supplies, lighter weights and more efficient aircraft: Liebherr has started conducting research into electric systems which could revolutionise the field of aviation.

Three project teams from Lindau (Germany), Lindenberg (Germany) and Toulouse (France) are steering a course that leads towards the next generation of aviation: the More Electric Aircraft (MEA). The goal of MEA is to make aviation of the future lighter, more efficient and better for the environment. That also means significantly fewer ducts, shafts and cables. This will be possible by cutting down to a single energy source on board airplanes: electricity. In order to make sure, that the new equipment will perform as intended under any possible flight conditions, the researchers test them in their labs.

The future of aviation has begun – find out in our story how Liebherr is a part of it.

Read the story here

Liebherr stories

A look behind the scenes that is introducing unsung heroes and solutions for the problems of tomorrow – exciting stories from the Liebherr world await you.

Read them here