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Technical centre for mixing technologies

With our technical centre for mixing we offer our customers extensive scope - together with our experts - to test the suitability of different mixing techniques for specific tasks. This enables us to support our customers and significantly increase investment security when deciding on a particular mixing technology.

Mixing trial options

Laboratory mixers DW 0.06/100 and RIV 0.06/100

The equipment at our technical centre allows:

  • Systematic series of trials on a laboratory scale with twin-shaft and ring trough mixers to select the optimum mixing technology and operating parameters.
  • Validation and further optimisation of the trial results with the mixing plant permanently installed in the technical centre.
  • Customer trials with a mobile mixing station in a container design with integrated ring-pan mixer RIH 0.5. This allows specific tests to be carried out on site - quickly and without the need for a crane to set up.
  • Deep insight into the mixing processes thanks to very good measuring and laboratory equipment.

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